Sunday, April 27, 2008
More Birthday Photos
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Preteen

The last year has brought many hard things, but also 2 wonderful things(your sisters!). You have weathered them all with humor and grace and I thank you for that.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Movie Night!!!
Saturday night was movie night. We watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. The kids LOVED the movie even Jack who said it was the funniest movie he had seen in a long time and "that is a lot, I NEVER think movies are funny".

Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008

We loved the school. It's beautiful setting, and small size of 65 kids, kindergarten through 8th grade. Multi-grade classrooms, and truly amazing creative and caring teachers.
But it was a 1/2 hour drive each way, and it's small size, although wonderful academically, created a very small social circle, and these things combined helped us decide that the kids, were ready for a change, and I needed to not be driving for upwards of 2 hours a day to get the kids to school and back with newborn twins.So the decision was made, and they have done great!!! A little adjustment had to be made as far as styles of teaching, and they are having a great time getting to know some more local kids...
So...zucchini was not a big hit for Lily. Funnily...whenever I tried to get a photo of her, she would stop crying and swallow.
So I took a LOT of photos of her, in order to get her to eat...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Plum Tuckered Out

And the crowd....I think we make up about half of the spectators....along with my Mom and Bill we are 8, there were only a few people in the bleachers. It seems like most people don't watch the kids play, or one parent goes to the game while the other stays home. I like to drag everyone out to the game...we don't stay the whole 3 HOURS but it's nice see him play.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I had my spring conference today with Travis' preschool teacher. We were talking about ways to discipline, and she told me that at the California Preschool Conference she took a class that suggested that instead of a 'time-out' mat, or spot, to have a 'cozy-spot'. A place that is comforting to the child. Because usually when they are in need of a time-out they need comfort. So make it comfy, with a blankets, pillow, stuffed animals, and even books, and they have an area that they feel safe, and can learn to soothe themselves. So not to even address the bad behavior, but to acknowledge that they need time to reflect, or rest. I thought this was a great idea! I've always found that when meltdowns, or other misbehavior occurs, it stems from a need for attention, and so to teach the kids how to sort themselves out, and redirect them at the same time is a really neat concept...because it's essentially what a timeout is, but in a positive style...I am going to try it with Travis...he is on the old side, but occasionally needs a 'moment'. Then I will have a plan when the girls are ready....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I LOVE playing with the tuning and effects on I played with everything highlights, color, tone, and then went and made it black and white....
Bath time...our new favorite thing...after all these months of screaming anytime they got near the water.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Big Sister
"The very first time a baby laughs, a fairy is created."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
First Game

Just a cool photo, the first I tried to take of him, and just liked the way it turned out.

And Husband...the light was so beautiful, and he looks so content.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

They scarfed it up, and were so happy!!!

Some other favorites are zucchini and apple, or carrots and yams, this is good with some yogurt and cinnamon as well. Alexa thinks it smells like pumpkin pie. Peas have to be mixed with something, anything. And now I've discovered this website...perhaps thru Arizona, Wholesome Babyfood that gives all of these great, and some kind of scary, combos as well!!!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Don't Fence Me In

and their hazardous toys. They are everywhere!!! No matter how much I pick them up. But the cage is a big pain in my open, and to I barely use it. But I am trying to get better about it. And also trying to find a cuter one. For some reason, it seems as though it will be less prisonlike.
The Zoo
And people to watch.
Great Grandma loves Elephants, this was for her.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
So much FUN!!!!
I am loving the new camera!!! I am having a little trouble avoiding the shake, hence the blurry photos....I even like those! I'll just have to keep practicing! I LOVE that I can put it on the 'sport' setting, and take about a zillion photos a second,

Or get LOTS of photos, when the kids are feeling like indulging me.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My Dilemma

The current look

Alexa's Diva Ballerina stage