Wednesday, February 27, 2008
And she definitley has a flair for the dramatic...
And always appears to have something on her mind.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Today's the Day!!
I had plans to post a loving tribute to our marriage, and our story, but the Momo mommies are coming today!!!! And I have to get ready for them...and Husband and I are going on a DATE tonight!!! Our first since well before the twins were exciting.
I will definitley add more on both topics later....
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
We were inspired by a stretch of warm sunny weather, and a clearance price, to buy a new BBQ. Because we were being cheap, Husband had to put it together.

It took a couple of hours with assistance.

Monkey assistance that is....
But it is gorgeous and shiny!!! We have taken to watching "Wheel of Fortune" before the kids go to bed, and the kids are very inspired by Vanna White. Travis thinks she is 'magic' because she can make the letters appear from nowhere. here is their best Vanna impression.
And here they became Ninjas.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Four year old boys are sooo much fun!! Unpredictable, sweet, charming, hateful, wonderful...all in the span of 5 minutes. And can they ever run fast!!

-with Daddy looking sooo handsome!
-holding proud.
-articulating his feelings, so furiously.
-looking sweet in great morning light.
-just being cute.
-holding the babies in his santa hat...he lived in it throughout the season.
-the girls are getting harder for him to hold!!
-getting ready for Christmas!!
And something 4 year old boy will do, that a 10 year-old boy probably won't do is scooter down the street screaming "I LOVE YOU MOM!!!"
He is so....Travis.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Good times with Lex...

I'd love to include her friends in some photos, they were so sweet, but well with privacy issues......

We have had the most beautiful weather this last week, so we have been scootering like crazy, and trying to spend as much time outside as we can before it rains again...that is NOT my car by the way...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thank you Debra!!
I am still sooooo slow at creating my posts...but I wanted to make sure to thank Debra for my are a great person...Thanks!!! I will post more about it later!!
An award!!

Her blogs are always the first I read, she does amazing things with coupons...things that make my head spin!! She really inspired me to start blogging. Thank you Debra!!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Journaling has never come easy for me...I just never have anything I feel the need to keep record of...and the things I REALLY feel compelled to get off my chest and onto paper, tend to need to be disposed of quickly. I am a list maker, but not a chronicler.
This last year has been a rough one. We had our experience with our monoamniotic twins, then my dad died November 16, and my grandmother the 21st. This has made me want something to give my kids to tell them, and remind them of their childhood. I hope I can keep it's been fun so far. But today I had to do a flurry of cleaning so I could sit down and reward myself with a sparkling water( oh diet coke I miss you!!!) and a moment on the computer. I just have to remember I have carrots on for Tess and Lily!!
The babies and I spent the morning hunting thrift shops for a tea set for Alexa. She has invited a few friends over for a tea party tomorrow, and I wanted her to have a proper luck. She is eight, so I didn't want to get her a toy one...and I have my grandmothers china she can use.
Argh!! My water just boiled away!! I hope I can salvage the carrots!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
And another thing...
Thank you for the comments!! It is super fun to receive them...and it was just really nice. I couldn't figure out how to respond to them individually, but I will one day...Thanks again!!
This is Jack...
Jack is 10...he is great. He hates to have his photo taken, but when the twins were born he was THE ONLY one of the kids that would let us take a photo of them at family day at the NICU, and it is a great one.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I stewed and stewed about a name for my blog, and finally asked Husband and the two older kids to think of something witty to describe me or our family. Well, the other two weren't so helpful, but Alexa came up with this..... so how could I resist??? I had to use it, and so this is how I came up with the link to my blog. I promise I am not quite that full of myself! But it did make me feel AWSOME!!!!