Jack is 10...he is great. He hates to have his photo taken, but when the twins were born he was THE ONLY one of the kids that would let us take a photo of them at family day at the NICU, and it is a great one.
Last night I had sort of a rough evening...meaning I was GRUMPY and Luke was out...so at dinner I was apologizing to the kids and Jack said,"It's okay Mom. We know that when you're trying to take care of the babies and get dinner together and everything it can make you feel tense." TENSE!! So sweet and thoughtful that boy. And growing up so fast. I am lucky to have him.
How handsome is JACK? Bet all the girls are after him!
I agree with Angie. Jack is a looker! You are going to have tons of little girls calling soon. Maybe you can put some of them to work helping you out with the girls during the toddler stage!
What an absolute sweetheart. He is such a cutie too!
what a sweetie! love a helpful older sibling! that holds babies! fabulous!
Your kids are just so beautiful!
What a sweetie!!!
Does it get easier from 8 to 10? My oldest is 8 1/2 and just starting to really be a huge help. ON HIS OWN, he started icing and cutting up the cinnamon rolls for the twins yesterday. I almost cried! LOL
It's so great that Jack is so good with the babies! He takes a good picture too! The twins are beautiful too. Looks like you have some great children!
he is super handsome! my girls have a 11 year old boy cousin that they are absolutly in love with! your girls are very lucky to have such a loving big brother!
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