Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm in a little funk this week...I have been thinking a lot about the twins and the last year. It is amazing what we've been through...at this time last year I hadn't been to the doctor for my pregnancy because we had to sort out some maternity insurance. I was really worried about this pregnancy, it just didn't feel right and I was sure something was wrong. It was just a feeling.

There was a post on monoamniotic.org yesterday from a woman in England that lost her momo twins at 32 weeks. The day before she was to deliver them. In England hospitalization is not common pratice with momo twins. I can't stop thinking about her, and how different her outcome could have been. How fragile all of our situations are and were throughout this type of pregnancy. I am heartbroken for her, she is so devastated, and no one can ease her pain.

So I will post more about my momo journey another time.


Shannon said...

Connie, I am so sorry to hear of that mother's loss. I have not been by the site is quite a while. I need to stop by and offer my condolences. It really is incredible how fragile our little miracles were!

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm so thankful that I feel like I've come full circle. It has been such a big thing in my life, and I actually cried when I read about Jo's loss. The late, could have been avoided losses are very hard for me.

girlytwins said...

I read Jo's post recently and feel completed heartbroken for her as well. I cannot imagine how devastating it must be to loose your twins at such a viable age. To think my girls are completely healthy crazy little almost 2 year olds and were born at 30 weeks makes my heart cry. I cried for a while after reading her post. The whole uncertainty of momo's is so unnatural for us mothers. When I think about what could have been it still brings back my pregnancy emotions.

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I know how you feel about Jo. Its completely heartbreaking to read about all losses, but especially so when its a 32 weeker. If she had been inpatient, chances are her babies would have made it. British women and their babies deserve better care. There are so many who are fighting to get better care and I really hope it pays off for them. I won't go into a full-blown rant, but in Fisk's sulindac study he says that cost is one reason why they don't do inpatient monitoring in the UK. That really sets me off, but like I said, I won't rant about it in your comments! :)

Laura said...

It broke my heart to read of Jo's loss too! So awful! When I was 30 weeks along with my girls someone lost their twins at 32 weeks (both). I have NEVER forgotten it. I think that is what pushed me to deliver when I did and not wait till weeks. It is moments like this that the reality floods in and I remember how truly serious this is. This is absolutely why I push for inpatient monitoring. It's just a huge risk!

Laura said...

I have to say something to what Arizona said. The care in the UK is lacking. It worries me when the gov. takes over health care. Things change for sure. Private health insurance is expensive but its much better. That is the reason care is so much better here.

Debra said...

I read that too. It was so heartbreaking to hear that she lost them so late. SO sad!!! I was crying for her and all she is going through.

Lottie_Ellie said...

I could not believe that post either. I cannot even imagine it. To make it so far. I felt their personalities so strongly by 32 weeks that the thought of losing them at the point is unimaginable to me. It is horrible that the UK lags behind in care. I hope that changes very soon.

Jocasta said...

I read Jo's post as well and it's really affected me. It's just not fair that somethings happen - not that it's fair for any loss or for any mono loss. I just hadn't had contact with a loss that was so preventable. I so hope the UK changes the way they deal with these type of pregnancies.