Sunday, March 2, 2008

Alexa has as well...we had such beautiful weather this last week... it has cooled off today, but I had the house wide open on Thursday, and Husband was down to just two t-shirts, from the usual 3 or 4.
So we spent yesterday afternoon outside in the wagon, and taking photos...the monkey had to be tricked....
Then I had to fool around with the photos on Picasa. Soooo much fun, but Husband hates what I've done to the photos of Lily and Tess.
I though it was kind of neat, but he says they don't look natural, and I suppose they don't do the baby blues justice...but they'll have their eyes for their entire lives right??? Hopefully anyway.
So I may order prints both ways, and see how they turn out...I think they are definitely frame worthy...but I am a little prejudiced....anyway Jack was off at baseball practice, so he missed out...I KNOW he was heartbroken since he LOVES having his photo taken SOOOO much. I'll have to trick him.


I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...


Connie said...

Wow AZ you are fast!!! What are you doing up so late!!!

Kate said...

I LOVE the tongue picture! That is soooo cute! It looks like you were trying to make the photos Sepia or some such thing, huh? I like that manipulation myself, but I use Adobe Photoshop. It's a different tone I think!

Either way, they are CUTTEEEEEEEE babies. And so are your other children. And yeh, Dad's doing better I think too! :-)

Claremont First Ward said...

Love the photos!

Lottie_Ellie said...

what beautiful photos!

girlytwins said...

Gorgeous! Love the tongue pick. So cute. It's great to have both versions of the photos. I am a fan of creative pictures myself. I glad you are having such nice weather. Let's hope it continues.