Monday, March 31, 2008

My new camera is up and running!!!

I am super excited!!! These are my favorites so far. Well some of them. It's so hard for me to decide which ones to post, I take so many, but these are good for now.

I don't think he realized it was working, now he runs when he sees that camera.

I got them all!!! Hopefully the trend continues. If not I may have to start borrowing other people's children....


Shannon said...

Great photos! That camera does a really good job. Gorgeous kiddos!

Laura said...

Great photos. So what camera did you get?

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

That last photo is definitely a keeper!

Cecily R said...

LOVE the last shot!! So cute!

Evie has those same pink stripy PJs. They're my favorites!!

Lottie_Ellie said...

Your children are all frighteningly photogenic.

Congrats on the new camera. Hope this means there are lots of new photos to come.

Claremont First Ward said...

I can see why they are your favorites........

Debra said...

Such FUN!!!! Great pictures. I wanted to get that one after others recommendations, but I lose things when I am out and about and I DID NOT want to lose that thing!!

Crazymamaof6 said...

way cute! whoohoo for a fancy new camera! and cute kids actually posing! hallelujah!